CRO shop on CafePress

The shop contains ride on themed apparel and merchandise for sale at the lowest prices possible. It is hosted by CafePress and includes designs by CRO. Since our prices are set as low as CafePress allows, we do not make any profit off of sales from the shop. If you have an idea for a new design, such as a personal phrase, or an additional CafePress item to be added to the shop, please let us know and we may add the new design or item for you.

Here is the Custom Ride Ons ringer t-shirt I received a while back from the CRO shop. After placing my order, I received it in just a few days, regardless of the fact that everything from CafePress is made to order. Being completely honest, the shirt is surprisingly high quality for the price. Even after having worn and washed it a number of times now, it has held up very well.

Custom Ride Ons Ringer T-Shirt

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Bumper Sticker*
Price: $3.49 - Buy Now

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