Accepting new content

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  1. Chris Stork says:

    Beep Beep! Zoooooooooooooooooooom…

  2. Tookie says:

    Too cool!!! Can’t wait to show Grandma.

  3. angie peloquin says:

    Christopher! Have you been hit in the head recently?? lol loved it! thanks for sharing!!

  4. RICKYVB says:

    Just wanted to stop by and say,” AWESOME SITE!” = )

  5. Bandisahn says:

    I am dying for an airplane ride on for my kid for Christmas but that’s not something they make or that I can build. Any of you guys available for hire to build one for me?

  6. Fred Owens says:

    Hey Chris, I’ve got one of the blue Razor Pocket Rockets that I have modified with a 40cc 2 stroke engine. I’ve been modifying toys since I was a kid, now I’m 33 and have kids of my own with toys to modify so its a never ending cycle. You can check mine out on my site or YOUTUBE under “Razor pocket rocket converted to gas”. It’s nice to see a fellow on the web. Thanks! Fred Owens

  7. Brian says:


    I really liked your Youtube video of the e100 Razor controller bypass. I have a few questions and was trying to get in contact with you. Left a message at Youtube account. Curious about adding a reverse switch (like from a Power Wheels) to the setup as well as some questions about parts you used for the project. Any help would be appreciated.


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