A video on how to easily upgrade a Super 6 Power Wheels CAT Tough Loader to 12V (CRO Exclusive), and on inserting a replacement battery into a Kid Trax battery case have been added to the 6V to 12V and Batteries tutorial sections. The 2 new Tutorial videos are displayed below for your convenience.
How to easily upgrade a Super 6 Power Wheels CAT Tough Loader to 12V|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-GjGPu3wF0
How to insert a replacement battery into a Kid Trax battery case|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F06Dpbp8Ow
Battery related tutorials added
1st exclusive video and relevant tutorial section added
A CRO exclusive video on how to clean and lube a brushed electric motor has been added to the Gearboxes and Motors tutorial section. In addition, a tutorial section titled CRO Exclusives now exists. The new Tutorial video is included below for your convenience.
How to clean and lube a brushed electric motor – CRO Exclusive|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPR3VD4IGIQ
CRO custom presents for Christmas
Pictures of the CRO custom vinyl decal and t-shirt that my wife made for me for Christmas were added to the Pics entertainment section. The new Entertainment pictures are displayed below for your convenience.
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